Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I know I've been negligent

... in posting. I think I'm finally better. Over the weekend, I remembered that we had a jar of Kwan Loong Oil (a mixture of eucalyptus, menthol, lavender and a few other oils) given to us by a chiropractor friend in Boston (this is the guy who helped save my hubby's life, being the first to notice his heart problems). Anyway, our friend swears by this stuff and I am glad I remembered it. I rubbed it on my chest and throat and applied a heat pack to it, and I could feel my congestion breaking up. Yesterday, I didn't cough at all, and thought I was cured! Of course, today my cough has resumed, but it's still much better than it had been, so hopefully (fingers crossed) it's on its way out of my system.

We had a great Thanksgiving, joining our friends Michelle and Johnny, and several more of their friends, at their place. They served an almost entirely local meal, save for the turkey. They were unable to find any local turkeys starting weeks in advance; all turkeys in the region had been claimed. The bird they bought was from California, but at least was free-range. It was a fun time.

I hope that soon I will have more topics to write about. Today, I am happy that the sun came out for the first time in weeks (the overcast skies of the Pac NW can be depressing!). I am also glad the police found (and lamentably but understandably, shot and killed) the guy who shot and killed four police officers not far from where we live.

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